Holiday Services
With Thanksgiving just around the corner the holiday season is upon us ready or not. As always, The Furies Cleaning Service and Linen Rentals of Cape Cod are here to help you through this busy time of year. Whether you need help cleaning after having some guests over or just want one less thing on your ‘to do list’ give The Furies a call. Also new this year we are offering holiday decoration help!
The Furies Survey
Please if you have the time we would love it if you would take a quick minute to provide us with some feedback by filling out our quick survey. It asks no personal questions and would help us understand your needs and what we could do to improve your experience with us.

Fall Sunset, Indian Neck looking out toward Great Island
Outer Cape in the Fall

Newcomb Hollow Beach in the Fall
The Outer Cape in autumn is a much more relaxed place than during the hectic summer. There is still plenty to do if you know where to look, especially while the weather remains good, and so far we have had a partially mild fall.
In the words of Thoreau, “I suspect that the fall is the best season, for then the atmosphere is more transparent, and it is a greater pleasure to look out over the sea.”
There are usually many activities as well. WHAT puts on Yule for Fuel, which is a benefit series for the Lower Cape Outreach Council and features many local artists and performers. Yule for Fuel is held at the following dates and times:
Saturday, November 26, 2011, 7:30 pm
Saturday, December 03, 2011 7:30 pm
Saturday, December 10, 2011, 7:30 pm
Saturday, December 17, 2011, 7:30 pm
Wellfleet Preservation Hall also puts on an event called “Deck This Hall.”
Saturday, Dec 3rd @ 10-4
Pageant of wreaths, cookie sale and ginger bread house contest.
Sat Dec 10th 10-4pm
Holiday Bazaar and Craft Fair with Santa arriving at noon.
Saturday, Dec 17th @ 5:30
Outdoor caroling stroll.
So get out there and explore the quieter side of the Cape.
The Furies in the Community
The offseason provides us with an excellent opportunity to be active within the local community. While we take part in Wellfleet’s 4th of July parade, and Sarah Curley, the owner of The Furies, serves of the Board of Directors for the Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce and serves as a “Chamber Ambassador” at the various Chamber functions. The majority of The Furies community outreach takes place during the slower months on Cape Cod.
In October, the Wellfleet Fire Department sponsors “Trunk or Treat” at the Wellfleet Drive-In and Cinemas providing a safe location for children to ‘trick or treat. This year there were more than twenty vehicles registered, including one of ours.
In November and December, The Furies Linen Rentals donates roughly 1500lbs of linens to various organizations. In the past year, this has included The Brewster Animal Rescue League, The Children’s Place in Eastham, the Lower Cape Outreach Council in Orleans, Mass Appeal in Wellfleet, The Provincetown United Methodist Church which operates a thrift shop, and the Pine Street Inn in Boston. If you know of a worthy organization that could use sheets and towels, please let us know.
In December we have a toy drive to benefit the Lower Cape Outreach Council, which organizes a free holiday shop for young disadvantaged families. Last year we collected an excellent selection of toys and encouraged you to donate this year. You can drop toys off directly at our office during our regular business hours or give it to our cleaning crew on your next cleaning. Due to child safety concerns, all donated toys, games, dolls, etc. must be new and unopened. We cannot accept used toys.