Glad that spring is here? We sure are! Here at The Furies, spring is our favorite season. The air is fresh and crisp, full of the smell of life. The beaches are wonderful, and of course, no more shoveling. Yay! Spring is also the time of year to get your house ready with a good old Spring Cleaning.
Looking for an extra hand cleaning your house this spring or need a little direction? Take a look at our Spring Cleaning Checklist. If you would like the Furies’ team to take care of getting your house cleaned this spring just check off what you would like done, the date you would like it completed by and send it back to us with the required deposit and let us handle the rest! The Furies Cleaning Service require a signed copy of the checklist and a deposit for all spring cleanings. This allows us to tailor the cleaning to the specific needs of the house and schedule the appropriate amount of time. Make sure to send your checklist back as soon as possible to ensure a spot on our busy spring schedule.

If a house’s driveway looks like this, YIKES!
There are a couple of important things to remember regarding spring cleanings. If the house’s driveway is narrow, please be sure it is brushed out so people can get to the house without damaging their vehicles. If the water or electricity turned off over the winter, remember to make the necessary arrangements to have it turned on about two weeks prior to the cleaning done by. Also be prepared to call an exterminator if the house has been empty during the off-season. Every spring we discover a number of critters that have taken up residence in houses over the winter, and we are expecting to find even more than we normally do after this year’s harsh winter, so keep an eye out.